Give that kitchen a deep clean

Posted on: March 27, 2020

The working hub of the house is often the hardest room to tackle so lets get cracking!

Many of us spend hours cleaning the kitchen only for it to look like it hasn’t been cleaned a few hours later. The first job is to tackle the oven. There are lots of products on the market but for a natural option, try a bicarbonate of soda and white wine vinegar mix and pop those shelves into the dishwasher.

For a homemade antibacterial spray try combining 1 cup rubbing alcohol (available from amazon), 1 cup water, and 1 tablespoon white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spritz on kitchen surfaces including tile and chrome, wipe off, and watch how quickly the germ-killing polish evaporates. Rubbing alcohol is also good for cleaning sinks, disinfecting kitchen sponges and cleaning keyboards and mouses (mice?)

Stainless-steel kitchen sinks can often harbour stains and marks that are hard to get rid of. Here are solutions to various problems:
Rust marks: Rub the area with a tiny bit of lighter fluid and then clean it with non-abrasive scouring powder and water.
Water marks: Rub with a cloth dampened with surgical spirit.

Give your microwave a lemony over haul. Simply half a lemon and pop both halves into a microwaveable tub of cold water (fill around half full). Put on full power for 10 mins and when done, leave inside, with door shut for 20 mins to steam clean. Open and wipe with a clean, damp cloth – the grease and grime will disappear and leave it smelling lovely too.

Please note these tips are suggestions only and haven’t necessarily been tested by ourselves.